SFB 564, E1.2 - Multi-layer drying models for optimization of high value crop drying in small scale food industries
- Status
- completed
- Project begin
- 01.07.2006
- Project end
- 30.06.2009
- Project-Homepage
- https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/sfb564/project_area_e/e1/e1_outline.php
For quality analysis, experiments on the functional interaction between drying conditions (temperature, humidity, air velocity), of relevant index enzymes activities (peroxidase POD, polyphenoloxidase PPO, lipoxygenase LOX) and the quality determining criterions (flavour, aroma, texture, colour, vitamin content) will be followed by quality evaluation and optimising the drying conditions. Using adequate simulation programmes, the mathematical modelling of the drying process icluding the enzyme kinetics and the temporal changes of quality attributes will lead first to simulate the drying process for a single fruit and further on to simulations of stationary high-temperature drying processes as well as solar drying processes at unsteady conditions. The development and validation of the simulation model based on the results of the drying tests including an economical analyses will enable the development and optimisation of a flat bed dryer for unpeeled longans and lychees, the most important fruits in the area of interest. Partly recirculation of the exhaust air is expected to have a significant impact on energy consumption and processing costs.
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Germany and co-fundes by the National Research Council of Thailand with
285 000 Euro
Involved persons
Involved institutions
Publications in the course of the project
Measurement and modeling of moisture sorption isotherm of litchi (Litchi chinensis Sonn.)
2010: Janjai S; Lamlert N; Tohsing K; Mahayothee B; Bala B K; Müller J
Effect of shifting practices on performance of a fixed-bed convection dryer for longan
2007: Gonzáles Azcárraga, J.C., M. Nagle, S. Phupaichitkun, B. Mahayothee, M. Haewsungcharern, S. Janjai, H. Leis und J. Müller
Effect of drying temperature on changes in volatile compounds of longan (Euphoria Longana Lam.) fruit
2007: Lapsongphol, S., B. Mahayothee, S. Phupaichitkun, H. Leis, M. Haewsungsharern, S. Janjai und J. Müller
Investigation of solar roof collectors for preheating of air at drying facilities in Northern Thailand
2007: Roman, F., M. Nagle, H. Leis, S. Janjai, B. Mahayothee, M. Haewsungcharern und J. Müller
Availability and potential of local biomass resources as fuel for drying of tropical fruits
2007: Nagle M, Habasimbi K, Leis H, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, Müller J
The controll of postharvest ripening processes and its implications for the productivity of mango processing
2007: Neidhart, S., A.L. Vaquez-Caicedo, B. Mahayothee, I. Pott, W. Mühlbauer, S. Sruamsiri und R. Carle
Moisture diffusivity determination of different parts of longan fruit
2007: Janjai S, Bala BK, Lamlert N, Boonrod Y, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, Mühlbauer W, Müller J
Drying behaviour of Thai unpeeled longan: modelling of shrinkage inside fruit
2006: Phupaichitkun S, Mahayothee, B, Haewsungcharern M, Janjai S, Müller J
Equilibrium moisture content and heat of sorption of longan (Dimocarpus longan Lour.)
2006: Janjai S, Bala K, Tohsing K, Mahayonthee B, Haewsungcharern M, Mühlbauer W, Müller J
Influence of drying on browning and sensory characteristics of dried whole longan
2006: Mahayothee B, Wongtom R, Keowmaneechai E, Phupaichitkun S, Haewsungcharern M, Janjai S, Müller J
Generalized single-layer model for drying kinetics of unpeeled-longan
2008: Phupaichitkun S, Mahayothee B, Waldenmaier T, Müller J
Analysis of current practices of litchi drying in small scale industries in Northern Thailand
2008: Precoppe M F, Nagle M, Piepho H-P, Mahayothee B, Janjai S, Haewsungcharoen M, Müller J
The effect of irrigation on harvest maturity of mango as determined by near infrared spectroscopy (NIR)
2008: Rungpichayapichet P, Mahayothee B, Nagle M, Haewsungcharern M, Janjai S, Müller J
Potential of roof-integrated solar collectors for preheating air at drying facilities in Northern Thailand
2009: Román F, Nagle M, Leis H, Janjai S, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharoen M, Müller J
Solar drying of peeled longan using solar tunnel dryer: experimental and simulated performance
2009: Janjai S, Lamlert N, Intawee P, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharoen M, Bala B K, Nagle M, Leis H, Müller J
Effects of pretreatments on colour alterations of litchi during drying and storage
2009: Mahayothee B, Udomkun P, Nagle M, Haewsungcharoen M, Janjai S, Müller J
Experimental and simulated performance of a PV-ventilated greenhouse solar dryer for drying of peeled longan and banana
2009: Janjai S, Lamlert N, Intawee P, Mahayothee B, Bala B K, Nagle M, Müller J
Effects of operating practicies on performance of a fixed-bed convection dryer and product quality of longan
2008: Nagle M, González Azcárraga J C, Phupaichitkun S, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, Janjai S, Leis H, Müller J
Determination of sweetness for fresh-cut mango processing using near infrared spectroscopy (NIR)
2008: Rungpichayapichet P, Nagle M, Mahayothee B, Müller J
Litchi drying by upland producers versus established lowland processors: Can value-adding be reallocated?
2008: Nagle M, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, Neef A, Sangkapitux C, Leis H, Janjai S, Müller J
Solar drying of peeled longan using solar tunnel dryer
2008: Janjai S, Lamlert N, Boonrod Y, Bala BK, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, Müller J
Finite element simulation of drying of longan fruit
2008: Janjai S, Lamlert N, Mahayothee B, Bala B K, Haewsungcharern M, Nagle M, Leis H, Müller J
Improvement of the air flow and temperature distribution in the conventional longan dryer
2006: Janjai S, Intawee P, Chaichoet C, Mahayothee B, Haewsungcharern M, Müller J