Department of Soft Matter Science and Dairy Technology (150e)
Head of Department: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Hinrichs
Garbenstraße 21
70599 Stuttgart
T +49 711 459 23961
F +49 711 459 23617
Homepage of the Department

About us

Our research focuses on milk and dairy products with emphasis on
1. innovative dairy technology and measurement techniques
2. new methods of visualization and characterization of structures, and
3. methods and strategies for improving process and food safety.
Problems arising from the complex, colloidal matrix during processing are worked on in
interdisciplinary cooperation projects with national and international research facilities and
innovative companies. Physical, chemical, and microbiological methods of analysis as well
as pilot plants are employed in order to ascertain, quantify, and eventually model functional
connections. This is to facilitate the transfer of new technologies and methods into practical