Department of Flavor Chemistry (150h)

Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Yanyan Zhang
Fruwirthstr. 12
70599 Stuttgart
T 0711 459 24871
F 0711 459 24873
Homepage of the Department

About us
The key research aspects of department of Flavor Chemistry are analysis and characterization of flavor compounds, and associated biotechnology.
One part is to identify key flavorants and/or flavor pathways in agricultural raw materials and food products with a series of state-of-the-art technologies such as solvent-assisted flavor evaporation (SAFE), solid phase microextraction (SPME), stir bar sportive extraction (SBSE) combined with Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactory detection port with cold injection system. With this knowledge, flavor quality of raw materials and food products may be improved through breeding/genetic manipulation or optimized processing and storage.
Another part is bioflavor production by transformation of byproducts with basidiomycetes (generally known as edible mushroom). Towards bioeconomy we can achieve sustainable production of favourable natural flavors by biotechnology. Additionally, the sensory and nutritional values of food and beverages are expected to be further boosted by edible basidiomycetes’ fermentation or their enzymatic activity.